
Anti Wear and Return Fraud Kit

Wear and Return Fraud, also known as “wardrobing”, has always been an issue for clothing retailers but has increased manyfold due to the development of online shopping. The lack of personal contact makes it a much easier and less embarrassing a crime to perpetrate.

For online and other retailers this can be a marketing problem. No-one wants to call their customers dishonest however, making a consumer commit to their purchase having tried it on, by simply cutting off a security label (having explained to them the importance of this step), has now become a commercial necessity. Unisto has created a kit for retailers that provides 100 Shark Tags, 25 Barracuda Fastenings and 100 tear resistant Information Tickets as a solution to this problem. Unisto is also keen to work directly with retailers creating bespoke, branded and adapted solutions to meet individual requirements and provide robust yet customer-centric solutions to this problem.


Special Offers

Anti Wear and Return Fraud Kit

Kit comprises of 100 Shark Tags, 25 Barracuda Fasteners and 100 tear resistant warning labels Unbranded all in a clear A4 Box.

Price £150

Including UK Carriage


  • Retail
  • Online Retail
  • Mail order
  • Various please see images
  • abs
  • steel
  • polypropylene
Sealing Applications
  • Clothing
Product Specification
Security Level 1-5: 3
PDF Documents
  • Anti-Wear&Return_Tagging
  • UK Registered Office: Unisto Limited, Unit 2, Albury Hall, The Street, Albury, Surrey, GU5 9AD
  • Tel 01483 209100
  • Email sales@unisto.co.uk